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Richard's performing arts journey began in high school, playing the French horn before landing his first acting role as a Knight in Camelot. Switching from Business Management to Fine Arts in college, he was inspired by a production of "The Roar of the Greasepaint and the Smell of the Crowd."

In 1974, Richard's life took a turn when he secured a role as a dancer in "The Great Gatsby," sparking his determination to move to NYC. Within a year, he performed in Summer Stock, Off-Broadway productions, and dinner theater.

Despite coming close to major roles in the '70s, Richard grew disillusioned with the acting profession. In the '80s, he explored behind-the-scenes roles, including working for "Reading Rainbow" and handling responsibilities at NYC theaters. He also worked at Betelgeuse Productions as a dubber.

In 1990, Richard moved to Atlanta to have a backyard and revive his acting career, with his work on "The Harvey Milk Show" and "Bent." His efforts were sidelined by a near death battle with Hepatitis B resulting in coma. Fortunately a miraculous medical study referral led to a liver transplant in 1994.

Citing gratitude for support he received during his illness, Richard earned a Master's in Social Work and specialized in Mental Health, Trauma, and Substance Abuse all the while maintaining an active presence in theaters, performing iconic roles.

Retiring from the VA in 2018, Richard resumed his acting career in Florida after overcoming COVID disruptions. He continues to find consistent work in films, shorts, and commercials, with no end in sight.


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